FEEDERS …dinner for your fish, reptiles and snakes found here.Prices change sometimes, so please call us.LIVE FISH (All the time) Comets (Goldfish) – our largest feeder fishRosey Reds – medium sized and fast swimmersLivebearers (Guppies or assorted) – the smallest feederLIVE CRICKETS (All the time) ¼”, ½” and ¾” sizes by the dozen.Special order crickets:1,000 any size. Order by Saturday, pick up on Tuesday.Pinheads: same price and by the thousand.LIVE ROACHES (All the time) Dubia any size, same price.LIVE WORMS AND LARVAE(All the time) – MealwormsSuperwormsWax WormsIn Season:Night Crawlers (Regular and Green)MaggotsButterwormsLIVE OR FROZEN MICE AND RATS (All the time)Mouse sizes (Small to large): pinky, fuzzy, crawler, adult.Rat sizes (Small to large): pinky, fuzzy, crawler, adult (small, medium, large and jumbo). Facebook Facebook